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Proles Pod

Jun 28, 2019

The Proles introduce the debut episode of The Tolerant Left, an ML podcast that tackles controversial topics in *discourse*.
In their first episode, Talia and Jess talk about electoral politics, why it's never going to give us the change we need, and what to do instead. 
You can follow them on Anchor and Spotify,...

Jun 21, 2019

In the debut episode of Proles of the Minyan, The Proles declare their support for DC Dyke March’s banning of the Israeli pride flag, present a historical analysis of Jewish symbolism, argue for an abandonment of the Magen David, and advance other symbols, like the Hamsa, that can serve to build Jewish solidarity with...

Jun 15, 2019

In this special and spicy episode, we sat with Talia to discuss antisemitism in the USSR, especially Stalin-era. What of the doctor's plot? Or the night of the murdered poets? Tr*stky?

If you haven't already, go to or you can help the show improve over at and in return can get...

Jun 1, 2019

In this long, information-packed episode, Ethan and our guest Mitch Malloy of Wild Blue Studiosgo through most of the history of art from millions of years ago back before Homo sapiens was a thing up into the very early 20th century. We very briefly cover the Soviet Union and the birth of socialist realism as well as...